I am a retired widow. I am a mother. I am a grandmother.
I am a sister. I am a friend. I am a native Floridian…a rarity.
I am a Florida State University graduate. I have my master’s degree.
I am a retired educator. I taught in Florida public schools for 36 years. I am an author. I am a Florida historian. I am a volunteer.
I am faithful to my religion. (Christian).I am what one would call a good citizen. I am a Democrat.
I believe in the United States and the principals on which she was founded. I believe in a democratic constitutional republic.
Thursday, I read in the Chronicle the words of John Labriola and I cringed at the thought of people like me -- our stances and our political party -- being vilified and turned away from housing because of our beliefs.
I cry real tears.
Sally Barrow